Some of these merchants can only be recruited to a settlement if the total of its own population, and that of all settlements connected to it by supply lines, is at least a certain amount, with the largest demand being 30 people. In addition, there are eight unique settlement merchants in the Commonwealth, who are unofficially dubbed as "level 4 merchants" or "tier 4 merchants." These NPCs will provide much better equipment and junk than normal settlers, including the sale of unique (legendary) armors, but only when assigned to tier 3 stores. They also create opportunities for the player character to sell surplus items for caps, and some of the stores can also increase settler happiness at the settlement. Depositing a small amount of caps over time to the workbench, they allow another avenue of various shipments, junk, weapons, armor, aid, ammunition, and clothing beyond pre-existing and wandering merchants. The addition of the settlement system in Fallout 4 allows one to assign any settler to a store, allowing the player character's own merchants to be created. Tier traders of the same type (but not vice-versa). Higher tier traders share all the inventory and caps of all lower S: Settlement traders of the same tier and type share the same global itemsĪnd caps. R: Replace - trader replaces/is replaced by other trader at the same store P: Pool - caps and items are shared with other trader at the same store

Notes to table 0: no effect from the Speech BobbleheadĢ: double effect from the Speech Bobblehead There may be a similar but lesser effect for Covenant merchants, if allied to the player character. Values for Bunker Hill merchants can be +300 to +600 higher dependent on certain quest completions.

'Base caps' means that every effort has been made to exclude the effect of the Speech bobblehead (+100 caps) and Cap Collector rank 3 investment (+500 caps). The caps numbers listed below are indicative values only, unless marked with an asterisk, in which case they are verified from the game code.

Caps values vary randomly between inventory refreshes, like inventory does.