(Did you see what I did there? Do you like the way I brought my speil back on topic?) The dialogue is very shallow. This is mirrored in the shallow romance plots of KotOR. I believe in shooting for the highest, though. Unfortunately, most people in this world will never experience true love. What does that prove? The greatest "pleasure" (such a clumsy word to use) derives from being with someone you truly love. Like anyhting, you can cheapen the act of congress to the point that it is compeltely detached from emotion. If I could, I would go back and be a virgin (or close to it) at my wedding. I would council you against a headlong rush into hormone-charged sexcapades.

This just means that secual appetites at these ages is greatest obviously more experience and wisdom makes you a better partner. The female's sexual peak is around 38, wheras the male's is aorund 17. I simply found the wisdom of Traya/Kreia and the nature of Nihilus' power to be considerably more. I never did find corpse-villains the most interesting, and the 'Zombie Sith Lord' theme did not work for me.īut he was far more interesting than Malak, in my opinion, so perhaps I am not being fair. I did not find him a compelling character.

My true misgiving about Knights of the Old Republic II is the heap of bugs I encountered. 'Find what you are looking for among the dead?' I knew from that moment I would love her as a character.) I love that her very first line made me feel guilty. She also makes life on the light side more interesting, though, so I should not say much. Yet the path of the dark side is more interesting in the sequel, I must say, and I think Kreia is the key to that.

It gave you a better reason to possibly turn on the Jedi, I think, than its sequel did. Knights of the Old Republic, the original, gave the player a very difficult choice at the turning point of the plot (the revelation of their previous identity).