Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. Just keep in mind that if you have any of those items spawned in your current game, you will have to re-spawn them so it will let Visas wear them. Sounds like fun, right? If you have PVC Dancer's Outfit already installed, there are some compatibility UTI files to install to replace the old ones so Visas can wear it too. It will also install scripts and other little things so that the side quest will be an additional option. The TSL Patcher will install this mod for you so that Visas will be able to equip the dance outfit without crashing the game. You must have 100% influence on her and Dominate Mind to make this an easy task to get her to do it otherwise you�re going to have to fight her and the author made sure it wasn�t going to be easy either. You could end up fighting Visas in duel until you defeat her if needs to be.

Kristy Kistic is back with a mod that allows for Visas to dance for Vogga the Hutt. Kreia has good reasons I would think, but Visas might do well with it if she was allowed or convinced! If you ask the other women of your party Kreia and Visas, they both decline. The Handmaiden does it without much influence and with Mira you need to really talk her into it. If you�re a female Exile, you can get yourself or Mira to dance. If you�re a male Exile, you can only get the Handmaiden and Mira to dance. Depending on your circumstances of whom you have available is who you can get to dance for the Hutt. One of the many side quests you can have in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is dancing for Vogga the Hutt. Congratulations to KotorFiles! This is the 1000th mod to be uploaded here!