
D&d 5e homebrew creatures
D&d 5e homebrew creatures

Where did it come from? What's its purpose? Who made it? The other two tables provide you with options for the object's original purpose, and its current or original owner or creator! Maybe the BBEG demilich uses that portrait of a lost companion to draw power from, or that strange copper cube is actually a complicated key that opens the tomb of a long-dead legendary hero. This resource provides a d100 rolling table of random mundane or magical objects that leave your players wondering. Want to introduce a mystery, plot hook, original loot, or a clue for a puzzle? These rolling tables should help!

d&d 5e homebrew creatures

Have you ever wanted to give your players something weird but not powerful, just to leave them scratching their heads? Or maybe your campaign starts with a rat-infested cellar, where the players find something strange that kickstarts their adventure to become legendary heroes. Resource: 1d100 Random Mysterious Objects

D&d 5e homebrew creatures